Useful Forms

Please use these forms to better assist you in your duties. If you have any suggestions for other forms that should be included on this page please let us know. Also if there is a new form or tool we can add to help you please contact us.

Adobe Reader DC Instructions and Configuration

These issues are beyond our control!!!!!

Please understand that Adobe, Microsoft and Internet Browser developers continue to change the way forms work, this is beyond our control, we will continue to provide instructions each time they change things, please always check the instructions here on this page if you have an issue using the forms. You can also always email Ronald Garrison and ask for assistance.

Adobe Reader DC Required

Please note to use any of these forms you must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
You can get this program free by clicking the Get Adobe Reader button below.

Changing the Email Client in Adobe Reader

By default Adobe Reader DC does not have a default Email Client Assigned so when you try to submit forms you come up with an error

No Default Email Client

Click here for instructions to configure a default email client

Instructions to make Adobe DC default PDF reader

Please note for any of the forms to work properly you must use Adobe Reader DC. Each internet browser has a different set of instructions on how to make Adobe Reader the default for opening these file types, please see this page for the instructions on how to complete this.

Click Here - Adobe Reader default Instructions for Internet Browsers

Standing Forms

All of the forms you should need for Council Business